We are encouraging people of all faiths to put a menorah in their window this holiday to fight anti-Jewish hate.
Your Jewish Friends and Neighbors need you.
This Hanukkah, many Jews must reconcile their fear of violence with the very public, very old tradition of placing menorahs in their windows during the holiday. Jewish families are feeling isolated and scared. And our friends are asking how they can help.
Project Menorah 2024 is a simple way to help.
Project Menorah 2023
This year, Hanukah is December 25th to January 2nd, but you can participate the entire month of December. Join the tens of thousands of people from all 7 continents who participated last year by putting a Menorah in your window to fight hate, support your Jewish neighbors, and tell the world:
Only LOVE lives here.
Invite your community to join:
click to download
What is Project Menorah?
Project Menorah is a grassroots movement started by a single father who, due to unprecedented levels of antisemitism, almost didn’t allow his child to decorate their windows for Hanukah. We encourage non-Jews to place a Menorah, along with their other holiday decorations, in their windows this December in fellowship with Jewish friends and neighbors.
Less than 2% of Americans are Jewish so this small act can help empower the Jewish community against antisemitic hate.
Last year, tens of thousands of people participated from:
All 50 states (+D.C)
16 Countries
All 7 Continents!
We’d love for you to join us this year.

Whenever Jews have been threatened, there have always been non-Jewish helpers who stood up to hate.
We are asking you to be those helpers today.
Like… Miep Geis
who hid Anne Frank and her family from the Nazis for two years. And saved Anne’s diary to make sure her story wasn’t lost like so many others.
Like… 250,000 Americans
who rallied in DC to pressure the USSR to allow their oppressed Jews to escape.
Like… the millions of people
who spoke out against hate online and in person after the Tree of Life synagogue massacre.
Like… the tens of thousands of people from all 50 states, 16 countries & all 7 continents who participated in Project Menorah 2023.
Tell your Jewish community that your home is a safe space.
Tell the world, "Only LOVE lives here.”
How Does It Work? Where do I Get a Menorah?
Buy or borrow a Menorah (or print out this free one).
Place it in your window this December.
Share pictures of your window on social media and tag: #OnlyLoveLivesHere #ProjectMenorah @ProjectMenorah